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this was painfully familiar and such a beautiful exploration of the subject 


Love this little piece, the visual shifts are great, a great presentation of this story (& love the lil crow)




:0 really loving what you've done so far!

d'aww, thank you! i hope i can finish it before too long @_@


really love what you've done so far, im already resonating with this hah. hope you can find the time to continue it :)

thank you so much! i'm trying to add a room or so a day until i get to my point. it's strange but freeing to be able to, like, serially release a game. 


i feel it! bitsy rly makes it so accessible


I hope you will complete it and have fun!

thank you! i've been really busy recently with another creative project, but i defo want to come back and finish this before it's been too long!


I understand! Fortunately, bitsy helps creating simpler (and therefore faster) projects 👍